giovedì 16 giugno 2016

Thus spoke JB

We judge that ISIL is training and attempting to deploy operatives for further attacks. ISIL has a large cadre of Western fighters who could potentially serve as operatives for attacks in the West. And the group is probably exploring a variety of means for infiltrating operatives into the West, including refugee flows, smuggling routes, and legitimate methods of travel. Further, as we have seen in Orlando, San Bernardino, and elsewhere, ISIL is attempting to inspire attacks by sympathizers who have no direct links to the group. Last month, for example, a senior ISIL figure publicly urged the group's followers to conduct attacks in their home countries if they were unable to travel to Syria and Iraq. At the same time, ISIL is gradually cultivating its global network of branches into a more interconnected organization. The branch in Libya is probably the most developed and the most dangerous. We assess that it is trying to increase its influence in Africa and to plot attacks in the region and in Europe.Finally, on the propaganda front, the Coalition is working to counter ISIL's expansive propaganda machine. ISIL paints a carefully crafted image to the outside world, lauding its own military efforts, portraying its so-called "caliphate" as a thriving state, and alleging that the group is expanding globally even as it faces setbacks locally. ISIL releases a multitude of media products on a variety of platforms—including social media, mobile applications, radio, and hardcopy mediums. To disseminate its official online propaganda, the group primarily uses Twitter, Telegram, and Tumblr, and it relies on a global network of sympathizers to further spread its messages. In sum, ISIL remains a formidable adversary, but the United States and our global partners have succeeded in putting the group on the defensive, forcing it to devote more time and energy to try to hold territory and to protect its vital infrastructure. And though this will be a long and difficult fight, there is broad agreement in the international community on the seriousness of the threat, and on the need to meet it collectively and decisively. John Brennan 

Al quadro presentato da Brennan, che ormai tutti ben conosciamo, è inutile rispondere, come è stato fatto da alcuni rappresentanti delle istituzioni qui in Italia, che non ci sono elementi concreti che inducono a pensare alla possibilità di un attacco imminente.
E' importante piuttosto conoscere il livello e le modalità di adesione alla ideologia criminale di Daesh.
Nelle carceri, sul web, nelle moschee.
Ma anche come si sta sviluppando il livello di operatività dei simpatizzanti.
Senza dimenticare poi che Daesh non è l'unica insidia.
Ci sono altri gruppi terroristici la cui storia si incrocia con il destino del nostro Paese.
Mesi fa ad esempio un gruppo di somali venne arrestato in Sicilia per contraffazione di documenti.
La polizia sospettava che i proventi del traffico fossero destinati ad al Shabaab.
E dall'Europa molti partono per combattere in varie zone del Nord Africa.
E' di qualche giorno fa la notizia di un italiano che avrebbe avuto in animo di realizzare un attentato in Marocco.
Sono tutte questioni all'attenzione di inquirenti e governo. Mettere a disposizione del pubblico, almeno parte delle audizioni parlamentari, sarebbe d'aiuto a rendere partecipi tutti della situazione.

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