domenica 20 marzo 2016

Giochi da zar

At Russia’s initiative, Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with President of Syria Bashar al-Assad. March 14, 2016 20:40 
The two leaders noted that the operations conducted by Russia’s Aerospace Forces have brought about a real turnabout in the fight against the terrorists in Syria, throwing their infrastructure into disarray and causing them substantial damage. In this context, Mr Putin said that Russia’s Armed Forces have fulfilled their main mission in Syria and a timetable for the withdrawal of the Aerospace Forces’ main air grouping has been agreed. Russia will maintain an aviation support centre in Syria in order to monitor compliance with the ceasefire.

Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with President of the United States of America Barack Obama. March 15, 2016 00:20

The two leaders exchanged opinions on the progress in implementing the statement by Russia and the United States, as co-chairs of the International Syria Support Group, on cessation of hostilities in Syria. The leaders stated that the Russian-US initiative, supported by UN Security Council Resolution 2268, has allowed for a sharp decrease in the scale of bloodshed on Syrian land. The President of Russia told the President of the United States that after fulfilling the primary objectives set before the Russian Armed Forces in the fight against international terrorism, a decision was made to withdraw the main part of the Russian Aerospace Forces troops. This will certainly serve as a good signal to all conflicting sides and create conditions for the start of a true peace process. The heads of state noted the importance of full coordination of efforts between representatives of Russia and the United States, including on military matters, to preserve the truce and ensure providing humanitarian assistance to besieged towns, as well as effectively fighting terrorist groups. The presidents called for intensification of the political process for settling the Syrian conflict, expressing support for the talks between the Government of Syria and the opposition, which are starting in Geneva under the auspices of the UN, following which the Syrian people should determine the future setup of their state themselves. In discussing the situation in Ukraine, Mr Putin stressed the need for complete fulfilment of the Minsk Agreements by the Ukrainian authorities. The leaders confirmed their intent to continue work with the parties to the conflict in the interest of settling it. The conversation was held in a constructive and frank atmosphere.

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Il parziale ritiro delle truppe russe dalla Siria (parziale è la parola chiave) non ha destato particolari sorprese se non forse per la tempistica.
L'incursione di Putin è un classico del suo repertorio. Sfruttare conflitti locali per acquistare maggiore potere di negoziazione nelle arene occidentali che contano.
Paradossalmente ha fatto quello che americani ed alleati non sono stati in grado di realizzare.
A modo suo ha stabilizzato l'area.
A modo suo significa che più che combattere Daesh ha indebolito l'opposizione di Bashar al Assad consegnandogli così le chiavi del negoziato . L'esercito russo ancora in Siria costituisce la password d'accesso a quel negoziato.
A questo punto non solo ha fatto un passo in più con gli americani rispetto alle questioni che ruotano attorno all'Ucraina, ma ha messo spalle al muro gli europei inducendoli a riflettere sul fatto che in confronto all'inerzia americana, la Russia ha lavorato conquistandosi un'altra fetta dello scacchiere medio-orientale e la credibilità necessaria per rendersi alleato.
Tra un Obama che massacra civili qua e là senza poi nulla ottenere in termini di stabilizzazione politica e Putin che massacra civili ma pone le basi per la risoluzione dei conflitti, a che pro stare ancora appresso alla indecisione degli americani ?

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