lunedì 11 giugno 2018


Manama, June 11 (BNA): His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa today ratified and issued Law 25/2018 on amending Article 3 of Decree-Law 14/2002 on the Exercise of Political Rights. According to the law, the second clause of Article 3 of Decree-Law 14/2002 on the Exercise of Political Rights will be amended as follows: “The following individuals will be banned from contesting parliamentary elections as candidates: 1. An individual convicted of committing a felony, even if a special amnesty is granted or they have been rehabilitated. 2. An individual sentenced to imprisonment for intentional offenses for more than six months, even if a special amnesty has been granted. 3. Actual leaders and members of political societies which have been dissolved by a final judgment for committing serious violations of the provisions of the Constitution of the Kingdom or any of its laws. 4. Any individual who intentionally harms or disrupts the constitutional or parliamentary process by terminating or leaving the parliamentary work in the Council of Representatives or their membership has been dropped for the same reasons." The Prime Minister and the relevant ministers will implement this law which will take effect a day after its publication in the Official Gazette.

Legge anti-Berlusconi.

Può sembrare una misura pensata per reprimere qualsiasi velleità di opposizione.
In realtà, se praticata con lungimiranza, consente piuttosto di concedere il perdono anche in modo più esteso di quanto accade normalmente.
Nel Golfo amnistie e perdono vengono concessi di frequente in occasioni come la festività dei due Eid, la giornata nazionale e altre celebrazioni. Anche attraverso intercessioni speciali in qualsiasi momento dell'anno.
La modifica alla legge potrebbe contribuire a rilassare l'acceso clima politico che caratterizza il regno.

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