domenica 17 dicembre 2017


Vladimir Putin thanked Donald Trump for the information passed on by the United States' Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) that helped detain the terrorists who plotted to set off explosions at Kazan Cathedral in St Petersburg and other public places in the city. The information received from the CIA was enough to locate and detain the criminals. The Russian President asked the US President to convey his appreciation to the Central Intelligence Agency director and the operatives of US intelligence services who received this information. Vladimir Putin assured Donald Trump that in the event that Russian intelligence services receive information that concerns terrorist threats to the US and its citizens, they will promptly pass it on to their US colleagues via partner channels. 
December 17, 2017 19:40

Putin è un genio.
Peccato stia sempre dalla parte sbagliata.

Ai tempi in cui si discuteva animatamente delle sanzioni, un membro grillino del Copasir si agitava sui social per spiegare che in questo modo veniva compromessa la lotta al terrorismo.
Credo che in maniera molto genuina fosse convinto di ciò.
Chi oserebbe pensare che Putin, più di altri leader, si serve dell'antiterrorismo per altri scopi ?
Con un presidente come Trump può anche divertirsi a prenderlo in giro.

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