mercoledì 26 luglio 2017

C'è confusione

the Lebanese army is the legitimate security force and the only one that is entrusted with defending Lebanon and the Lebanese people and protecting the country’s borders.If Hezbollah’s approach of incitement and treason during the ongoing battles in the eastern mountain ranges is aimed at legitimizing its participation in the Syrian war, and other ongoing wars in Lebanon and abroad, we will not be party to this national sin, regardless of the threats Al Mustaqbal 24 July 2017 

Lebanon is on the front lines in the fight against Isis, al-Qaeda and Hezbollah. The Lebanese people, of all faiths, are working together to keep - and you know this, and we've been discussing this at great length - their country safe and prosperous. Donald Trump 25 July 2017

Lebanese Armed Forces actions in Lebanese side of Arsal were also instrumental. I'm not addressing whether there was/wasn't coordination. LAF acting on Lebanese side of border w/in its duties. Lebanese Army providing security to Arsal, its residents and Syrian refugees there task was also important. We are ready, day after battle, to hand over entire area to Lebanese Army if the LAF requests it. We hope the Lebanese Army's leadership will choose to take responsibility for this area as soon as possible.Seriousness in negotiations higher now than before, but Nusra leadership still won't face reality that they can't impose terms. Opportunity is there, but time is short - and we call on Nusra to continue negotiation seriously. Now we are heading down both path of negotiations and battle to accomplish our goal of expelling militants from Arsal barrens.We are now facing a huge victory, and all this land will return to its people. Hassan Nasrallah 26 July 2017

Veramente l'esercito ha fatto sapere di non volerne sapere.

Ma se Arsal è ormai riconquistata, come mai tutta questa fretta di rifilarla all'esercito libanese e Hayaat Tahrir Sham (o Nusra come la chiama lui) viene chiamata a gran voce (supplicata dicono dietro le quinte) a partecipare ai tavoli di negoziazione ?

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