mercoledì 12 aprile 2017

Nduja integrata

Do you still have any kind of overview of who is currently fighting whom in Libya, at all? Sarraj: “The illegal possession of weapons in Tripoli has made it possible for many armed groups to emerge over the past six years. We try to integrate the good groups into state institutions and fight the bad ones, who want to sabotage the reconstruction of the state. We try to avoid fighting by all means. However, the stubbornness of some of the people involved, and their attempts to destroy the state, force us to fight against them. In general, it has to be said that shootings and people being run over can happen anywhere. We are not an exception.”bild

La stessa cosa che cercava di fare al Julani con Jabhat Fath fallendo miseramente.
Si noti bene che Serraj e il suo governo in Libia non valgono nemmeno
 la millesima parte della leggenda instaurata da Nusra in Siria.
In Italia però pare prevalere questo tipo di strategia.
Si organizzano le tavolate con i capi tribù come fosse la gita del lunedì di Pasqua in Calabria.

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