domenica 25 settembre 2016

Cash On principle

Ayotte: "General Dunford, does Iran continue to be one of the lead sponsors of terrorism around the world?" Gen. Dunford: "They are, Senator. I describe their major export as ‘malign influence.'"
Ayotte: "We've learned about this $400 million in cash [that the administration paid to Iran] - that would be included in the $1.7 billion that I referenced - for release of the American hostages... Do you think it's a good idea that we should exchange cash to a country like Iran - that you've already confirmed is one of the largest state sponsors of terrorism - in exchange for hostages? ...They've now taken at least three more American hostages." Dunford: "...On principle, I would prefer that we not provide additional resources to Iran..."

Su questa e altre questioni ormai il Pentagono e Obama sono ai ferri corti.
Da noi invece, almeno sui pagamenti dei riscatti, sono tutti in sintonia.
Almeno così pare.

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