lunedì 25 luglio 2016

Ba7ebak ya lubnan-Cerco un centro di gravità

Operationally I define the relationship with the local population as my center of gravity.
It means an element that, if it exists, might lead to success; if it doesn’t exist it will lead, for sure, to complete disruption of the Mission.
So the link between the UNIFIL members and the local population is the most important element I recommend for the future leadership to takeo into consideration.
The challenges were all the possible spillovers from the situation in the region and all the spillover from the Syrian conflict in terms of refugees and in terms of possible sleeping cells, and maintaining the integrity of the Blue Line when there was a strong tension between the parties. The solution was a little bit more complex, because in the south we have two Lebanese Armed Forces brigades deployed in order to maintain stability so we had to enforce the presence of UNIFIL on the ground. So we passed from an average of 250 operational activities per day to an average of 400 and sometimes even 500 operational activities per day on the ground, in the air and at sea. Major General Luciano Portolano 15 July 2016

Il problema è raggiungere un accordo per la presidenza.
Se si riesce a far convergere Hezbollah sulla figura del generale Khawaji, allora bisogna spingere per una soluzione del genere.
L'attacco ad al Qaa durante il mese di Ramadan ha fatto suonare un campanello d'allarme.
Queste sono le questioni che il direttore dell'Aise deve risolvere quando viaggia

Foto Onuitalia.

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