martedì 11 agosto 2020

But I did not (?) shoot the deputy

Vladimir Putin: Which means we have the first registration. I hope the work of our foreign colleagues will also make progress, and there will be a lot of medicines and vaccines on the global market that can be used. I know this vaccine, as you have said, is based on adenoviral vectors, but I think its advantage is that it is based on human adenoviral vectors. It works more precisely and forms stable antibody and cellular immunity. I know this very well, too, because one of my daughters has got this vaccination. I think that in this sense she has taken part in the experiment. After the first shot, she had a fever of 38 degrees, but the next day it went down to just over 37, and that was it. After the second shot, her temperature went up a little, but then came down again. She feels well, and the titres are high. I know that many people have no symptoms or fever after the shot. In fact, they feel as if nothing happened. The main thing is to ensure unconditional safety and effectiveness of this vaccine in the future. I hope this will happen. I would like to congratulate Academician Gintsburg and all his colleagues who worked on this vaccine and succeeded. I know that work on similar vaccines continues in Russia at other institutions. I wish success to all experts. We have to be grateful to those who have taken this first, very important step, very important for Russia and for the entire world. I hope that soon we will be able to launch mass production – this is very important – of this preparation, so that everyone who wants (of course, this must be voluntary, as I have said many times) can benefit from our scientists’ innovations and achievements. Thank you very much to you and to Mr Prime Minister. I know that everyone worked on this most actively. Deputy Prime Minister Golikova focused on the matter as its curator. This is success, and once again, I congratulate you. Let us get down to other matters.
August 11, 2020 Novo-Ogaryovo, Moscow Region

Two Iraqi border officials were killed in the bombing, Ihsan Chalabi, mayor of Sidakan told Rudaw. Chalabi identifies the two slain officials as Zubair Hali Bradosti and Mohammed Rashid Sulaiman, both Kurds. 
....There has been no official confirmation of PKK casualities in Tuesday's attacks. Rudaw 

Per il momento non ci sono conferme ufficiali nemmeno da parte turca.

Ha fatto sorridere, nel complaint presentato da Saad Al Jabri, la parte in cui veniva raccontato come alcuni anni fa MbS aveva espresso la volontà di trascinare la Russia (all'epoca non molto interessata) nella guerra siriana. 
Come poteva il giovane rampollo tramare allo stesso modo dell'Iran suo eterno nemico ?
Desiderare lo stesso alleato.
Si chiedevano esperti e commentatori.
Magie di Putin. Gioca con alleati e avversari allo stesso modo in cui si serve delle figlie.
Muove tutti come pedine a seconda delle esigenze.

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