While the content of the letter was not in the report seen by Reuters, a senior security official said it summed up the findings of a judicial investigation launched in January which concluded the chemicals needed to be secured immediately.
... "There was a danger that this material, if stolen, could be used in a terrorist attack," the official told Reuters.
..."I warned them that this could destroy Beirut if it exploded," said the official, who was involved in writing the letter and declined to be named.
Reuters could not independently confirm his description of the letter.
... Reuters could not independently confirm the expert's account.
Lebanese army command rejected the request and recommended the chemicals be transferred or sold to the privately owned Lebanese Explosives Company, the state security report said.
The report did not say why the army had refused to accept the cargo. A security official told Reuters it was because they didn't need it. The army declined to comment.
Non potendo negare di essere stato messo al corrente, il presidente ha iniziato a parlare di possibile complotto esterno. Da più parti (Trump-Macron) sono arrivate offerte di collaborazione investigativa (indipendente).
Il generalone dagli occhi di ghiaccio si accontenterà di avere messo in sicurezza la propria posizione o andrà oltre ?
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