venerdì 20 luglio 2018

I soldi non bastano più

“No, we won’t have that here. We are strictly against Europe officially placing illegal migrants who are no longer wanted in the EU in our country. We also won’t agree on any deals with EU money about taking in more illegal migrants. The EU should rather talk to the countries that people are coming from and should put pressure on these countries instead. There won’t be any deals with us. I am very surprised that while nobody in Europe wants to take in migrants anymore they are asking us to take in further hundreds of thousands.” You talked about the fight against traffickers. Could you imagine cooperating with international troops? Al-Sarraj: “You can’t fight trafficking by bringing in international soldiers to Libya. We would never accept that, anyway. What is required is international efforts, since the trafficking network is international. It is also important that European politicians gain a better understanding of the situation in Libya. I have already officially invited Chancellor Angela Merkel and hope that she will come to Libya soon. I am glad whenever a European politician comes here to take a first-hand look at the reality on the ground.”bild

Serraj non pare un'aquila ma ha capito benissimo che quello che chiede l'unione, in particolare l'Italia, è uno sgabuzzino per migranti in attesa che qualcosa cambi. E dietro l'angolo non c'è nemmeno l'ombra di una strategia, per l'Africa e il medio-oriente, in grado di almeno ridurre i flussi. Ovvero di un piano di stabilizzazione politica per i Paesi più a rischio.
In uno scenario simile non ha senso per lui, o per chiunque altro, continuare a fare lo yes man a colpi di milioni.

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