martedì 24 aprile 2018

La passacarte e l'opponent

My primary motivation in ordering the destruction of the tapes was to do what many in the intelligence community and the White House had failed to do at the time: protect the identities of the CIA personnel whose faces were seen on those tapes. I was concerned that Al Qaeda would retaliate against them and their families. The enhanced interrogation program was a legally authorized program and our government had the responsibility to protect the CIA officers who courageously came forward to participate in it. I did what no one else in government was willing to risk doing. I have no regrets. The letter of reprimand I received in 2011 says that my actions were inappropriate because I allegedly knew that my bosses, not to mention the White House counsel, did not want the tapes destroyed. Nobody ever gave me an order not to destroy them. I was under the impression that the chain of command did not think it was illegal to destroy the tapes but that no one wanted to make the decision at the time. I signed the letter of reprimand with the understanding that doing so indicated only that I had read the letter not that I agreed with it. Jose A. Rodriguez Jr. April 18, 2018

Ms. Haspel did not destroy the tapes, she did not oversee the destruction of the tapes, and she did not order the destruction of the tapes. She drafted a cable, under instruction from her boss, Mr. Rodriguez, that he sent, under his name and authority, ordering that the tapes be destroyed. Mr. Rodriguez ordered the destruction of the tapes, not Ms. Haspel. My decision on the question of accountability was that Mr. Rodriguez was who should be held accountable and reprimanded. There were no follow-up questions from either (White House/Congress) Michael Morrell April 20, 2018

È stato, anche, l’opponent più impegnativo all’interno del Sismi quando era guidato dal generale Pollari e da Mancini. Dell'Arti

In un'altra biografia non autorizzata che circolava su Internet (attualmente non la trovo, ma solitamente la memoria sulle questioni che riguardano il direttore non m'inganna) era scritto che il generale Manenti si era opposto in particolare all'operazione Abu Omar.
Questi sono i dettagli che ormai il mondo intero vorrebbe sapere dalla signora Haspel nel corso dell'audizione di Maggio .
Qual era ed è, il suo orientamento all'interno dell'ufficio rispetto alla questione delle torture e della distruzione dei nastri. E il ruolo avuto negli eventi.
La lettera scritta all'epoca da Morrell, resa pubblica dalla Cia a ridosso dello scorso weekend, rende noto semplicemte l'aspetto amministrativo del lavoro della signora Haspel nella sua qualità di chief of staff.
"Her efforts to press for and facilitate a resolution of the matter" 
"She drafted a cable on the direct orders"
Non spiega quale fosse la sua opinione a riguardo e soprattutto il ruolo avuto in concreto.
Se si continua a tenere nascosti questi dettagli, anche i chiarimenti di questi giorni di Rodriguez e Morrell hanno il sapore di cover up.

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