venerdì 12 febbraio 2016

E come dargli torto

He is arguing he cannot be extradited to Italy to face charges of “conspiring to commit an act of international terrorism” and “subverting democracy”, because he says he might be “tortured or killed” in an Italian jail.Their lawyers have claimed they could be tortured or killed in an Italian jail, and will be challenging extradition on the grounds of “refoulment”, which prevents the illegal returning of refugees.breitbart
Their lawyers argue sending the Iraqi Kurd refugees to stand trial would breach article three of the European Convention on Human Rights, which prohibits torture. They claim if convicted the Italian authorities could deport them back to their homeland, which is battling Islamic State, leaving them at risk of being persecuted. But Julian Knowles QC, representing the Italian authorities, told Westminster Magistrates Court in London that was unlikely to happen because of the men's legal status in Britain. He said: "As far as Mr Hamasalih is concerned, if he was to be extradited to Italy and a decision had to be taken in Italy were he to be convicted, at the end of his sentence as he is British he comes back to Britain." He added that the court had heard evidence that the other two men "could come back to Britain" in the same circumstances. He added that Italy is a signatory to the ECHR and has no history of problems with deportation.Dailymail

Continua in Inghilterra la discussione sull'estradizione dei presunti complici del mullah Krekar arrestati nel corso dell'operazione JWeb.

Poi dice che Abu Omar e la Diaz sono capitoli chiusi.
Il legale che rappresenta l'Italia ha rassicurato che alla fine non verranno deportati in Kurdistan ma non sembra aver detto nulla su possibili torture nelle carceri italiane. Just awesome.

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