giovedì 6 febbraio 2025

Tra impiccioni e spie

We monitored espionage activities carried out by international intelligence services, which attracted citizens to provide information and maps on military and security sites after luring them with money‎. ‎• We monitored foreigners residing under the cover of teaching a foreign language who targeted teenagers to convince them to convert to apostasy and adopt Christianity in exchange for money and encourage them to facilitate travel and residence abroad‎. libyaherald

The armed groups have further infiltrated the operations of the Central Bank of Libya, the National Oil Corporation and the Brega Petroleum Marketing Company, consolidating their control over the management of oil revenue and the national budget. 
... A distinguishing pattern of these violations was the systematic use of video recordings of forced confessions on false charges in public to humiliate the victims, in violation of their procedural fair trial rights. 31 The Panel determined that Harari directed and personally participated in the mistreatment and harsh interrogations of detainees under coercive circumstances. ...These armed groups deployed well-organized retaliatory targeting systems with the purpose of generating an atmosphere of intimidation and systematic discrimination among local members of Libyan civilian society and journalists to force them to bend to the will and interests of the attackers UN Experts report

I report delle nazioni unite preoccupano nella misura in cui questi fanno rumore e danno fastidio ai governi dei Paesi che trattano sotto banco.
La conferenza stampa ha dato modo di riattivare una pagina facebook silente da qualche mese.

La scelta del target e l' utilizzo del metodo dipendono da come il contesto percepisce determinate attività.
In Africa e medio-oriente il proselitismo portato avanti dai cristiani e le interazioni con la cosiddetta società civile non sono altro che tentativi di cambiare modo di vivere e di pensare provocando reazioni anche senza generare rivoluzioni.
La brutalità della reazione a queste tattiche è una conseguenza inevitabile.

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