sabato 15 agosto 2020

On top of all this

More worrying, Biden also implied that he would involve the US directly into domestic Turkish affairs. He explained that, “What I think we should be doing is taking a very different approach to him [President Erdogan] now, making it clear that we support opposition leadership. ... I’m still of the view that if we were to engage more directly like I was doing with them, that we can support those elements of the Turkish leadership that still exist and get more from them and embolden them to be able to take on and defeat Erdogan. Not by a coup, not by a coup, but by the electoral process.” What Biden meant by “elements… that still exist” is not apparent, but he clearly states that the US should meddle in Turkey’s internal politics, that the US should support a certain side in that effort, and that he participated in such past activities. McConnel Anadolu May 2020

US Presidential candidate Joe Biden’s remarks (made in December but reported by the media today) reflect the games being played over Turkey and their interventionist attitudes. These remarks are not in line with democracy and the nature of Turkish-American relations.
7:56 PM · Aug 15, 2020·Twitter Web App 
Fahrettin Altun 
We believe that the current US administration would find these undiplomatic remarks unseemly of a presidential candidate of our NATO ally. 
Turkey is not a country that can be made a tool in domestic political games. It’s a democratic necessity for the American political institutions and public opinion to disregard these irresponsible statements, which are clearly a product of a desire to score domestic political points. 
On top of all this, it’s sad (though not surprising) that the opposition politicians in our country have yet to denounce these remarks that raise questions in the minds of our people and are insulting to the Turkish nation’s democratic will and sovereignty. 
Turkey will not allow our democratic politics to be disturbed by such irresponsible statements. Our country will continue our national struggle under the leadership of our President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

Perchè oggi pomeriggio i profili social di personalità vicine al governo (politici, attivisti, accademici, giornalisti) hanno creato un twitter storm attorno al video di un'intervista che non aveva avuto molta eco a livello internazionale ma i cui contenuti (trascrizione) erano ben conosciuti in Turchia ?

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