lunedì 3 agosto 2020


Moore, who served as the British Ambassador to Ankara between 2014 and 2018, did not only establish a very strong diplomatic and bureaucratic network in Ankara but also strong bonds with the Turkish people from all walks of life. Thanks to his fluency in Turkish and his effective use of social media, as well as his love for Turkey’s one of the top three football clubs, Beşiktaş, Moore has become one of the most popular foreign diplomats in Turkey. 
....This also comes as MİT’s role in Turkey’s security and foreign policies is in a process of expanding, as stated by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan last week. He particularly cited the Turkish army’s engagements in Syria and Libya as well as in the fight against terror outside the Turkish territories. Thus, more dialogue and cooperation between MI6 and MİT should not be surprising for anybody. hurriyet

Quando ti rifilano uno spione come Ambasciatore, non c'è da stare molto allegri.
A giudicare dalle reazioni sui social, la popolazione turca ha abbracciato la versione buonista preparata da stampa e influencer.
Fatto è, che uno come Moore non è stato nominato a caso.
Johnson ha estremamente bisogno di un braccio armato diplomatico.
Moore è abilissimo nel costruire e gestire relazioni. Un uomo che sposa una donna con i problemi di vista come Maggie, ha indubbiamente una sensibilità superiore alla media.
Ma anche una buona dose di determinazione.

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