martedì 31 marzo 2020

Charming Bond in the time of Covid

It is most likely that Cohen is trying to leverage his contacts to charm his acquaintances - the leaders and heads of intelligence in the Arab world - to persuade them to help Israel’s deteriorating health system. It is likely that the Arab states bought their protective and diagnostic equipment from China. If this is the case, Israel is the only country in the world known to have mobilized its intelligence agency for such a mission. It reflects Netanyahu’s incompetence in managing the crisis.
Meir Dagan, the late head of the Mossad, once told me that during a discussion about whether to approve a special operation, instead of encouraging and supporting the Mossad operatives - as was expected from the country’s leader - Netanyahu confessed his worries and anxieties. yossi melman haaretz

A Cohen va riconosciuta la capacità di avere mantenuto l'agenzia su alti livelli di operatività e d'immagine senza averne sacrificato potenzialità e meriti.
A lui viene riservato un trattamento poco piacevole da parte della stampa a causa del rapporto che avrebbe con il primo ministro. Ma è il prezzo da pagare per un servitore dello stato che ha in carico una parte importante della sicurezza nazionale.

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