giovedì 5 aprile 2018

Massacri sotto traccia

The apostate Afghan Air Force led by the leader of crime and tyranny America bombed a school which taught the Quran in the Kunduz province northeastern Afghanistan during a graduation ceremony attended by hundreds. Which resulted in the death of many martyrs, we consider them to be as such with Allah, which reached up to 150 people most of them children ranging between the age of 8 and 17 years from the memorizers of the Noble Quran, in addition to a large number of attendees and a large number of wounded. 
If those killed were Jews or Christians or Hindus then the world would stand up and we would hear it scream and the scholars who hurry to strengthen their relationship with the disbelievers would have published statements denouncing, criminalizing and expressing grief. But there is no blame on the one stayed quite and did not say a word of truth in the faces of the stamping traitors who seek to strengthen their relationship with the Jews and fight the Muslims. Oh Allah deal with the disbelievers who fight Islam and deal with the treacherous rulers, oh Allah hasten the demise of their regimes and send upon them a soldier from among Your soldiers for You are the Powerful and Honorable.
 Shaykh Abu Mariya Al Qahtani

Non si tratta della solita ipocrisia occidentale che ignora i morti musulmani e le stragi al di fuori del proprio suolo.
Il massacro di Kunduz è avvenuto a poche settimane dalle dichiarazioni del generale Dunford che, a seguito di alcuni successi maturati grazie al coordinamento e al buon utilizzo del materiale informativo a disposizione, vedeva un "momentum" a favore delle forze militari afghane. Dichiarazioni che dovevano fare in un certo senso da assist ad un processo politico fatiscente al quale partecipano loschi figuri.
Quindi secondo quella logica conviene ignorare avvenimenti come quello di Kunduz.

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