mercoledì 18 settembre 2024

All together

 Following the ICJ advisory opinion in July, the New Zealand government and intelligence and security agencies were on notice of additional obligations under international law in relation to interactions with Israel. 
...New Zealand has not committed troops directly in the Gaza Strip or publicly acknowledged any direct assistance provided to Israel. However, ... 
First New Zealand is a member of the Five Eyes.... it is publicly known that the United Kingdom and United States have been offering forms of political, moral, military, and intelligence-based assistance to Israel in Gaza. 
..... there was clearly a foreseeable nexus, to an impartial and objective observer, between that operation and the removal of barriers to Israel’s ongoing actions in Gaza. discussed at any length. 
Lo scambio di informazioni, anche indirette con Israele, riguarda tutti quelli che a vario titolo hanno accesso all' area.
Anche quelli mandati per portare a termine operazioni con scopi umanitari.

Ogni agenzia deve confrontarsi con i limiti imposti dalla propria normativa.
Non solo in materia di diritti umani.

L' ispettore generale ha fatto sapere che esaminerà la richiesta.

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