domenica 2 giugno 2024

Spreading known secrets

According to the expert, the United States is interested in preserving the current regime in Armenia and wants to retain the power of Armenia’s Prime Minister with all its might. “When such a big figure from the CIA arrives, it does not lead to anything good. Perhaps recommendations will be given for certain actions, maybe with the use of non-lethal weapons or something else, and maybe even the supply of the type of weapon that disperses demonstrations. The Americans have such weapons. They have sound, light effects. They have been successfully used in Afghanistan and Iraq. alphanews

His Qatari and Egyptian counterparts sometimes call him “Burns of Arabia,” and he is known to use bits of his rusty Arabic in the negotiations. In the Gaza talks, he retains the trust of both the Arabs and Israelis, officials say. Burns travels without fanfare, and the CIA doesn’t officially confirm his trips. Touching down in foreign capitals, he is accompanied by three or four aides and a security detail. He often meets with members of the local CIA station, sometimes personally handing out awards for service, those who know him say.wsj

Il povero Pashinyan, abituato ai pellegrinaggi di Moore e Burns, questa volta si è dovuto accontentare di una "delegazione guidata da".

L'impressione è che, al di là delle difficoltà incontrate in questa missione, Burns deve anche cercare di riorganizzare il proprio lavoro in modo da riuscire ad essere convincente con gli interlocutori tradizionali. 

La partita di Gaza si gioca a cavallo di due competizioni elettorali in continenti differenti e con altri fronti di guerra come riferimento. Serve il giusto mix tra diplomazia, intelligence e politica.

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