“In Lebanon, in a house, there is a guest room and a missile room — in the same house! When that missile explodes, the guest room doesn’t stay whole, and the Lebanese civilian society will pay dearly. As a security network, we are fighting enemies that keep weapons and operate in civilian surroundings. If we don’t have a choice but to fight, it will have dire consequences,” the minister said.
“We have no interests in Gaza other than total calm and the returning of the boys,” Gantz said,
...“We would be happy to see Gaza blossom, I would be happy to see workers coming out of the Gaza Strip. ...timesofisrael
Come no.
Gantz si è forse finalmente accorto dell'errore commesso quando si è imbarcato nell'avventura con Netanyahu. Ogni tanto cerca di darsi un tono e dice cose.
Di un'altra guerra attualmente non si sente proprio il bisogno.
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