giovedì 11 gennaio 2018


Iranian citizens went out to demonstrate because of the economic situation and the expectation that President Hassan Rouhani would improve the economy.
That’s what brought them out on the streets. There’s no need for great expectations, even though I would be very happy to see a social revolution in Iran. Maybe it will happen in the future.
...a growing concern for the well-being of the entire Middle East .
...and that worry was mounting among Sunni leaders, as it was in Israel. 
Tehran continues with its vision of [obtaining] a significant nuclear capability, which is meant to lead it to a military nuclear capability.
Iran continues to work with increasing military aggression in the Middle East, closer to our borders than ever before.
Iran continues to support terrorist groups, Hezbollah and recently Hamas. Iran continues to work to transfer advanced — and accurate — weaponry to terror groups within our region, 
The Mossad has the obligation to obtain complete superiority in the world of espionage. We cannot be second-best in terms of manpower, in defense against cyberattacks, in espionage. We cannot be second best.
Yossi Cohen

Il leak, orchestrato evidentemente dall'ufficio del primo ministro, è servito a distogliere l'attenzione dalle disavventure del pargolo e probabilmente ad incrementare il budget del Mossad di un buon dieci per cento.
Cohen pare avere una fissazione per l'Iran ma anche velleità politiche.
Finora ha eseguito il compitino alla perfezione.
Ha stretto buoni rapporti con tutti e ha incrementato la linea aggressiva dell'agenzia.
Però da Washington a Sochi, passando per Ryadh, sul fronte Iran non sembra riuscire ad andare oltre le constatazioni e gli appelli.
Avrà finalmente l'ardire di fermare l'avanzata iraniana o si limiterà a recitare nel ruolo di secondo del capo ?

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